“I could watch that movie a hundred times.”

Daily writing prompt
What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

Most of us have said things like, “I could watch that movie over and over and never get tired of it,” or “I could watch that movie a hundred times.” My family and I have a couple of movies we could watch every couple of weeks, and quite frankly, we do. So here are a couple of movies that we watch frequently at my house (not counting the Disney Pixar movies that our youngest son keeps on rotation).

  1. Tombstone
  2. Road House 
  3. Nacho Libre
  4. The Fifth Element
  5. Guardians of the Galaxy

Thankfully, my beautiful wife loves many of the same movies I do. The five movies I selected here are also on my top ten favorite movies list. Now I think I’ll call my wife to make sure we have popcorn and ask her what movie we shall watch tonight. 🙂


Featured image and screen grabs from Tombstone have previously been featured and documented in this blog.

Water element stone (from the Fifth Element movie) by Tangopaso – Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39981249

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