Pandemic Changes

Daily writing prompt
How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic?

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I remember only a select number of people being allowed in Walmart. I remember some of us walking around with gloves and masks, while some took it to the extreme with plastic covering their bodies. Some would walk around with breathing apparatuses or trash bags covering their arms. Most would walk in fear to get close to someone. I remember when I sneezed and was standing about 6 feet from someone in the cereal aisle of Walmart. The lady standing near me screamed, jumped into the shelves in fear, and almost dumped the items out of her cart. Though it was funny to me at the time, I realized the heightened state of fear that we lived.

Though we no longer live in that heightened state of fear, I am more cautious of my surroundings. I make sure that I sanitize the handles at the grocery stores and make sure that I don’t touch my hands to my face. I take lots of vitamins and go to the doctor a lot more. But life has changed. COVID’s impact is everywhere and in everything.

Featured Image: Contact Hour by Tilmor – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

A Woman wearing an over abundance of protective devices while grocery shopping during the pandemic – Generated with AI – March 26, 2026.

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