Insert Autobiography Title Here

Daily writing prompt
If there was a biography about you, what would the title be?

Choosing the title of a book is not easy, but I would imagine that deciding the title of your autobiography is an exceedingly difficult job. Unless you shoot for something boring and make it your name and some cliche phrase about your occupation or life event you went through. Like the story of Bob Power, a guy struck by lightning and lived to tell the tale would name his biography Bob Power: Electrified Reflections. Or his wife, Betty, who was stung by 200 bees. Her biography was titled Betty Power: Bee-lieving in Yourself after the Buzz. So, I would want to break away from the norm. Or would I?

It would probably end up being kitschy or overly clever. Chris: An Unconventional Odyssey. No. That’s corny. My last blog got me thinking about what I would want to title my autobiography. I yearn to not adhere to stereotypes. Despite being from the South, I appreciate things that are not the norm. So, I would probably settle on something like My Unconventional Life and the Enjoyment of not Adhering to Stereotypes. What do you think? Too gaudy? Too bumptious? I don’t care. I’m sure I’ll change it before I write an autobiography anyway.


By Ra Boe / Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

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