Logan: My new favorite movie (spoiler free review)

As the last minutes of Logan flickered on the movie screen ahead of me, tears strolled

20th Century Fox

down my face. I didn’t try to wipe them away because I knew I was not alone in my complete emotional breakdown. From the grown, middle-aged man behind me sobbing uncontrollably to the woman in the row in front of me puffing on her inhaler after her crying had induced an asthma attack to my son sitting beside me with tears welling in his eyes or my 65 year old father who sat with a somber look of disbelief; it is needless to say, the movie touched everyone in that theater. Despite hearing the F-bomb 7,010 times; Logan had everything that I would need or want. It made me laugh, cry, and I was entertained to a point where I verbally expressed my amazement. (Yes I’m that guy.)


Grant Brummett, Wikipedia Commons

I won’t post spoilers because my wife didn’t go with us to see it; and since she reads my blog…I will refrain from giving any spoilers. I merely wanted to take this time to say that over the past 17 years, Hugh Jackman has theatrically represented a character that I have loved since I first started reading comics in the 80s. Wolverine even gets his own special
every now and then on this blog site but now that the latest solo Wolverine movie aka
has taken its spot at the top of my ‘favorite movie list’ (A slot formerly held by the 1993 Western Tombstone); was replaced Sunday afternoon when the credits started to roll after the completion of Logan.

As I said earlier, Logan was the perfect blend of action, CGI, emotion and comedy…this movie has it all. I urge everyone to go out and see Hugh Jackman’s final portrayal as our

20th Century Fox

favorite Canadian mutant, Wolverine. Go experience the roller coaster of emotions that is Logan and bear witness to some truly amazing acting from both Hugh Jackman and Sir Patrick Stewart. The storyline may not completely follow any of our previously loved X-Men comic book story-lines or necessarily be a direct link to any of the previous movies (despite slight nods throughout); the movie is beautifully well written.  The Western-esque film tells a truly personal story about a flawed hero who is suffering from the wages of the war that was his life who is taking care of the ailing Professor Xavier in a Mexican border town hideout. His attempts to stay low-key and away from the world are thwarted when a young mutant comes into his life and how he must venture out into that world once more to save an innocent life from a new villainous team.

You can come with me to see a movie that truly honors the on screen death of Wolverine if you’d like; because I’m sure that I’ll go back and see it at least two more times before it leaves the theater. I hope to add to the already clocked in estimate of over $88 million in its first weekend sales; which has caused Logan to become the 4th best R-rated domestic opening of all time. If you’re going out…go out in style. 🙂

logan black and white
James Mangold

Featured Image – Logan Twitter banner image owned by and accredited to twitter.com/WolverineMovie, pbs.twimg.com/media/C6RwBXVUYAI-zGV.jpg

Logan solo movie poster by and accredited to 20th Century Fox, s3.foxmovies.com/foxmovies/production/films/132/images/posters/519-film-page-large.jpg

Hugh Jackman Image by and accredited to Grant Brummett, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41853505

Logan holding hands movie poster by and accredited to 20th Century Fox, s3.foxmovies.com/foxmovies/production/films/132/images/posters/509-film-page-large.jpg

Logan black and white Press release image by and accredited to James Mangold, i.imgbox.com/kdYsBKB3.jpg


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